Mullen Christmas 2005 [Click here for Photos] |
After a year's hiatus, the 2005 Mullen Family Christmas party was once again held at Paul & Marilynn's house in Cranbury at the traditional date and time: the first Saturday after New Year's Day starting at 2:00pm. In years past, either bad weather or various sorts of seasonal illnesses kept the turnout lower than expected. This year, however, neither of those things happened and, as a result, over 60 people showed up! We damn near ran out of food, though not alcohol to be sure! There were two huge surprises. First, Tony Notarfrancesco showed up with his girlfriend Cathey. Not only did he show up, but he showed up early and stayed late! Many members of the family hadn't seen Tony in years, but in a matter of moments those years melted away. Of course, we now expect to see Tony and Cathey at every Christmas gathering! The second surprise was even bigger: the Connecticut Mullens showed up! Maryann, Eileen and Steve (Eileen's boyfriend and driver!) made the long trip from Windsor Locks, Connecticut, to attend. There were quite a few members of the family that had never met either Eileen or Maryann, so it was a tremendous reunion with more than a few tears shed. Just like Tony, we hope this is the beginning of many more family gatherings with the Connecticut Mullens. There were a few other first-timers as well. Jovi Riollano (accompanying Andy Mullen), Sarah Rector (accompanying Mike McGarvey), Matias (Matzi) Ernestine (accompanying Cara Mullen), and Bob Lavin (accompanying Janet Benco) had the privilege and honor of experiencing a full-blown Mullen gathering. Unfortunately, a few regulars couldn't make it this year. Kevin & Julie (the former Florida Mullens) were busy getting their restaurant ready for opening day, Chris and Ross were in China, and the entire Lucas family was in Florida attending Stacey's wedding. If not for those events, the party total would have eclipsed 70! I think we'll plan for an extra pan of lasagna next year! Have a great 2006 one and all ... Paul |